martes, 22 de junio de 2010

My blog experience

Today i’m going to talk about my blogging experience.
I’m not really a techie person, however, i like this experience becouse i learn how create a blog and how visit the blogs of my classmates. I didn’t have an idea how Works blogs becouse, like i said, i dont use the computer very much. I enjoy this experience becouse i knew some things about my classmates such their preferences in music or food.
I think that make the blog help me to improve my english becouse i learn many words, and improve my gramar a bit. Also i liked the blog becouse we wrote about daily things, i could give my opinion and say some things about my tastes.
i thing the blog is a funny experience for learn more english becouse is interactive and technologic, also i thing its a new experience for me becouse i had never had english class in a computer and neither in any signature in the university.
one disadvantages of blogging experience is the time of our class, becouse we finish at 730 and for me it is very late for stay in the university. I arrived to my house so tired like 830. Other bad thing of the blog is that some times i didn’t know what to write and i didn’t feel like. Also some times i didn’t know if i was writing well, therefore is necessary the teacher’s correction. Finally the vocabulary we will need for our career is more specific than that we use in class.
However the blogging experience is much better than regular class for many reasons like knew my class mates, writ about funny and interesting things or just for distracting me of the university with a difference kind of class (although this experience is the university too).

1 comentario:

  1. Good job,

    This is the marking criteria:

    Task: 3 pts, lexis: 2 pts, Grammar: 2.5 pts= 7.5pts

    Final grade: 6.0

    More comments in class.

