martes, 13 de abril de 2010


Hello! I’m Consuelo Gonzalez , i from punta arenas but today i live in Santiago,Chile. I came to this city because i enter in the University of Chile to study a college, in first place, and then Anthropology .
Now, i’m creating this blog in the context of an english curse. In this blog i’ll write about my experiences, opinions and more.
I hope the blog will help me in english to improve every day.

3 comentarios:

  1. Ohhh! You are so funny Consuelo, I hope you learn more about english and have a great time with Pancha, Iva and me.
    kisse bye

  2. Consuelo, i`m really happy because you came to santiago from punta arenas, now we can be very good friend and talk in ours blog in english. I love you very much.

  3. Good, Consuelo.

    But check your tenses.

    You get 2 points.

